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Central Coast Synthetic Turf
Central Coast Synthetic Turf

 Water Features 

Water Features

Ponds are an interesting addition to any landscape. They add more “life” and freshness to the surroundings and help create a soothing and serene atmosphere. Today, a number of homeowners in and around Nipomo opt for water features installations in their landscaping. We at Central Coast Synthetic Turf have been providing excellent services in this space for a number of years now.

Custom Solutions

If you want to create a distinctive look on your property, you are sure to want custom water features added. We can design and install these as per your personal preference, the styling of the other features in the landscape and other factors such as your budget. We work very closely with you to understand your needs and ensure that you get the kind of services and products you want. There are a number of water features you can choose from. Based on the size of the property, you can choose to have either one or more installed.

Types of Water Features

Water Features
  • Fountains- These are a very popular feature and could be made of materials such as concrete or natural stone. A beautifully structured and well installed fountain can easily become the focal point in the landscape.

  • Waterfalls- These are equally popular water features and we can build them with different stones and boulders. They are an amazing addition to any landscape. They are soothing and help calm the nerves and the areas around them become a great place to unwind after a long busy day. In addition, the sound of the cascading water also helps mute the sound of traffic in case your property is near a busy street.

    If you have kids or pets in your house and are concerned about the safety factor, you can opt for a pondless waterfall. These will not have a pond at the base and only the water will be re-circulated. This is a versatile installation as you can add a pond to it at any point of time. At times, space is a constraint and pondless waterfalls are perfect for these areas too

    Water Features
  • Koi Ponds- Today, a number of our customers in Santa Maria, Arryo Grande, Grover Beach and the surrounding areas are opting for Koi Ponds. These features are a beautiful addition to a garden. You can add aquatic plants, Koi fish or any other fish to the water. Do keep in mind that these are high maintenance as they hold a lot of water, fish and plants. But there is nothing like having a Koi Pond on your property- it adds vibrancy and color and a very interesting perspective to the landscaping

Low Maintenance Option

If you are looking for a low maintenance water feature, you can opt for bubbling boulders. These are natural stone boulders that have been cored, and have water running through them; it bubbles out of the surface of the boulder and creates an attractive fountain of sorts and is perfect for tight spaces. For more information about the water features we can install for you, call Central Coast Synthetic Turf on 805-260-1690. Contact us via this online form.

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