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Central Coast Synthetic Turf
Central Coast Synthetic Turf

 Water Efficient Irrigation Systems 

Water Efficient Irrigation Systems

Design and build of a landscape is only the first phase. What follows is even more important. If you want your landscaping to look good right through the year, it’s important that you maintain it well. The only way your plants, trees and lawn will stay looking good and be healthy, is if you ensure they get the right nourishment and sufficient amount of water. In this respect, it becomes important for you to have an excellent water efficient irrigation system installed.

Customized Services

Central Coast Synthetic Turf is a landscaping company that has been providing customers across the region with customized services. We are very focused in our approach to our work and always suggest to our customers that they should opt for well-designed and planned landscapes. More importantly, they should opt for water efficient irrigations systems on their property. Just as you want to ensure that your landscape is watered well at all times, it’s also important to ensure that the installation you opt for is water efficient.

All-Round Services

Water is a precious resource and saving it will help you save on water bills and help the environment too. We have expert irrigation personnel on board our team who will survey the entire area and then provide custom solutions based on the kind of plants and trees you have on your property. If we have handled the installation of your landscape, we ensure that the irrigation planning will be done in the appropriate manner, at the outset. Alternatively, we can also help with installing new water efficient irrigations systems in an existing landscape.

Water Efficient Irrigation Systems

Different Systems

There are a number of different water efficient irrigation systems that can be installed on your property, such as:

  • Sprinkler Systems- These could be manual or automated. The latter are particularly convenient and having these installed saves you a lot of trouble when it comes to maintenance of your landscaping. Once these systems have been installed at the appropriate locations, the automatic timer settings do the rest

  • Drip Irrigation- This is the perfect choice for spaces that have a number of flowering bushes or a vegetable garden, large ornamental plants. The tiny drip emitters deposit just the right amount of water in the different plantings and go a long way in saving water too

    Water Efficient Irrigation Systems
  • Soaker Hoses- These are non-automated systems which are directly connected to any water source in the garden. The tiny perforations on the hose surface let out very tiny streams of water into the plantings as required

Expert Irrigation System Installations

We also install xeriscapes which are drought-resistant landscapes. The plants have to be chosen with care, proper zoning has to be carried out and drought resistant turf and plants have to be installed. In combination, these and the water-efficient irrigation systems that we install are the best way to keep your landscaping looking fresh and green right through the year. Call us Central Coast Synthetic Turf on 805-260-1690. Contact us via this online form.

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